
API / Browse

This method allows you to browse for files in the MoxieManager and insert these into form fields or to a custom callback function.


 Name  Description

Public file system path to display by default. For example: /files/images

In order to configure a different start path from the rootpath, the first part of the path needs to be the last part of the rootpath. So if your rootpath is /www/domain/myfiles then your path needs to be set to /myfiles/subfolder


Public file system path to use as the root. This option needs to be within the configured backend filesystem.rootpath for security reasons. If you have filesystem.rootpath configured to c:/inetpub/wwwroot, and want to constrict users to accessing c:/inetpub/wwwroot/files/images, you need to set this option to: /wwwroot/files/images

fields Comma separated list of field ID's to populate with selected file url. If you are using oninsert you can not use fields option and the other way around.
view Default view to open. Defaults to files but can also be configured to thumbs.
insert Boolean option that allows you to disable the insert functionallity. Can be used when the moxiemanager is used in standalone mode.
filter Initial filter to apply to file selection. This option will fill the filter input field with the value specified.
extensions Comma separated list of file extensions to display for.
include_file_pattern Regexp pattern that the files need to match inorder to be displayed.
exclude_file_pattern Regexp pattern that will be excluded from file list if it matches.
include_directory_pattern Regexp pattern that the directories need to mathc inorder to be displayed.
exclude_directory_pattern Regexp pattern that will be exluded from file list if it matches.
disabled_tools Comma separated list of tools to disable.
hidden_tools Comma separated list of tools to hide.
url Url of input file. If this is specified the MoxieManager will try to resolve the URL into a local file system path and the open the parent directory of that file and select the file.
relative_urls If this option is set to true, all URLs returned from the MoxieManager will be relative from the specified document_base_url. This option is set to false by default.
document_base_url Document base URL defaults to the current page. This is the point relative URLs will be relative to.
no_host Enables you to remove scheme/protocol and host name from urls produced.
multiple Boolean value, enable inserting multiple files or not, default true.
width Set the default width of the window, note that a to small value may break the UI. Should be a number pixel value only, example: width: 600
height Set the default height of the window, note that a to small value may break the UI. Should be a number pixel value only, example: height: 400
fullscreen Boolean value, set to true to open in fullscreen, default false.
title Sets the title of the main screen, replaces "MoxieManager" default title.
leftpanel Boolean value, display or hide the left filesystems panel, true by default.
insert_filter Callback that gets executed when files are selected and inserted. This callback allows you to alter the JSON data before it gets inserted into a form field or passed to the oninsert callback.
skin Enables you to set a custom skin to be used created by the skin tool.
filelist_main_toolbar Enables you to control what to display in the main toolbar of the filelist browse dialog.
filelist_utils_toolbar Enables you to control what to display in the utils toolbar of the filelist browse dialog.
filelist_manage_menu Enables you to configure what to display in the manage button menu.
filelist_context_menu Enables you to configure what to display in the context menu.
filelist_insert_toolbar Enables you to configure what to display in the insert/cancel toolbar.
editimage_main_toolbar Enables you to control what to display in the main toolbar of the edit image dialog.
editimage_zoom_toolbar Enables you to control what to display in the zoom toobar of the edit image dialog.
editimage_actions_toolbar Enables you to control what to display in the actions toolbar/pabel of the edit image dialog.
fileinfo_fields Space separated list of fields to display currently "path" and "url".
remember_last_path When enabled the MoxieManager will remember the last path the user was in when a file was selected.
sort_by Changes the default sort by column for file listings.
sort_order Changed the default sort order asc/desc.
filelist_insert_event Lets you specify an event to insert on can be click, dblclick or none.


In version 2.0 of MoxieManager, some events where removed and added by requestion from the users, this is a list of these events.

Name Description
onopen Event triggered when opening.
onclose Event triggered when closing.
onupload Event triggered when an upload is completed.
onsave Event triggered when a text file or image is edited.
oninsert Event triggered when file is inserted.
oncreate Event triggered when folder is created.


Default path to browse files from
path: '/files/images'
Custom oninsert callback function
oninsert: function(args) {

On create event testing

    oncreate: function(args) {

You can also use events when calling createDoc (or other dialogs) directly

moxman.createDir({path: '/files', oncreate: alert('File created')});