
API / Upload

This method allows you to upload files directly to the specified path. It also enables you to get the path and urls to those uploaded files.


path Public file system path to upload files to.
onopen Fires after the dialog has been opened. Can be used to produce a custom throbber.
onupload Callback that gets executed when files are uploaded.
relative_urls If this option is set to true, all URLs returned from the MoxieManager will be relative from the specified document_base_url. This option is set to false by default.
document_base_url Document base URL defaults to the current page. This is the point relative URLs will be relative to.
remove_script_host Enables you to remove scheme/protocol and host name from urls produced.
upload_auto_close Automatically closes the upload dialog if all files where successfully uploaded. Disabled by default.


path: '/files/images',
onupload: function(args) {