
How-tos / How to use mc access

mc_access is a very powerfull feature of the MoxieManager.

Create a simple text file called mc_access file and put it in whatever folder you wish to control in more detail.

Simple trick

Do you have a problem with your users uploading files in the root folder of your site?

Well, here is a trick to disable upload and any modifications at all in the root folder only.


The _ underscore in front of the option indicates that it is only applied locally and not to subdirectories.


Lets say you have a system and wish to allow users to create their own pages based on a template, with mc_access you can force certain templates to be used specifically for that folder.


Almost all configuration options can be set per-directory using mc_access, check out the configuration options on what powerfull things you can do with this.

Notice that mc_access support doesn't work on remote file systems like Azure or Amazon due to performance issues. We recommend using the filesystem.directories setting for as an alternative.