
How-tos / How to install in CKEditor

Installing the MoxieManager in CKEditor is pretty easy. Simply copy the moxiemanager to the ckeditor plugin directory and add the "moxiemanager" to the list of extra plugins. Then the "browse server" buttons in the link/image dialogs will be replaced with the MoxieManager.

// Editor config
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) {
config.extraPlugins = 'moxiemanager';

CDN Version

If you are using the CDN version of CKEditor, you can use something like this to load MoxieManager.

CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('moxiemanager', '/moxiemanager/', 'plugin.js');
CKEDITOR.replace('ckeditor', {
    extraPlugins : 'moxiemanager'

Where "/moxiemanager/" is the path where your local moxiemanager is installed. (End slash required)