

This authenticator is used to handle the custom sessions used in the CodeIgniter PHP framework. It's very similar to the SessionAuthenticator. You need to specify the environment to use "development/testing/production" in the MoxieManager config.php file. You also need to set the logged in key in CodeIgniter to true when the user loggs in so the moxiemanager can check for that.

Here the settings available for the Cake authenticator:

CodeIgniterAuthenticator.environment The current environment for the site "development" or "production".
CodeIgniterAuthenticator.logged_in_key Name of the session key to check for. Defaults to "loggedin".
CodeIgniterAuthenticator.config_prefix Prefix of config options defaults to "moxiemanager".
CodeIgniterAuthenticator.user_key Name of the session key to use as a replacement for ${user} variables.