Read about the latest changes to MoxieManager
PHP Changelog
- Fixed bug where file info calls on non existing files would throw error on PHP 7.4.x.
- Fixed bug where the tinymce v5 insert button was missing the tooltip. #MM-121
- Fixed bug where an error would be thrown if the dialog was closed while the file list was loading. #MM-118
- Fixed bug where the hidden_tools option wouldn't apply if you switched file system. #MM-113
- Fixed bug where downloads of many files would result in a to long query string. #MM-111
- Fixed bug z indexes wasn't computed right if used with a tinymce instance and standalone at the same time.
- Fixed bug where the throbber would throw an error if you switched view to fast while files where loading.
- Fixed basic api for adding custom menu items.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to upload images on ios.
- Fixed bug where where the import file support wasn't working correctly.
- Fixed issue with checkbox column having text ellipsis on Chrome.
- Added new open menu item that allows you to open a file in a new browser tab.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to tap the upload button to upload files on an iPad.
- Fixed bug where files would be sorted incorrectly if they started with "!".
- Fixed so delete menu item is disabled when the selected files can't be deleted.
- Fixed xss issue with error message presented when a path can't be resolved.
- Fixed bug where thumbnail directories would be created even if thumbnails where disabled.
- Fixed security issues with download/zip and unzip these are now way more strict.
- Fixed bug where view multiple files wouldn't properly render the file names.
- Fixed bug where some menus in Firefox had scrollbars rendered due to font kerning.
- Fixed bug where it was possible to do operations on the ".." directory thumbnail item.
- Fixed bug where urls resolving to a directory would select the directory.
- Fixed bug with self signed ssl certificates not working for s3/azure.
- Fixed bug where listing files on some ftp servers with odd user names didn't work properly.
- Fixed so date_format can be passed in as a client side config option.
- Fixed so unique thumbnail urls take into account if there is an existing query string parameter.
- Fixed tinymce 3.x compatibility issues with z-ordering of dialogs.
- Fixed so the container isn't appended to the urlprefix. Might break existing installations.
- Fixed bug where some error messages wasn't handled properly due to localization.
- Fixed bug where an error was thrown when saving images.
- Fixed bug where the throbber wouldn't be disabled in the image save dialog if you canceled the action.
- Added cache control to azure file system. Allows you to override the default HTTP cache-control header.
- Added better error messages when the quota exceeds. Enables you to translate them.
- Fixed bug with the Quota plugin where it wasn't possible to disable checking by setting size to 0.
- Fixed bug where flipping of alpha transparent PNG images would produce an incorrect image.
- Fixed bug where some errors wasn't handled correctly on the client side.
- Fixed bug where files generated by autoformat would be visible even if they where filtered out on the server.
- Fixed bug where the upload button disabled state wasn't working properly.
- Fixed bug where some thumbnails wasn't rendered properly if they contained characters that needed encoding.
- Fixed bug where the file name length input boxes wasn't constrained in length.
- Fixed bug where the caret would jump when updating text fields on firefox.
- Fixed so the upload button becomes a button when only one upload method is available.
- Fixed so edit/rename menu items becomes disabled when more than one file is selected.
- Fixed so edit image asks the user to overwrite the file or not.
- Fixed so dialog gets repositioned inside the editor if the window changes in size.
- Fixed bug where saving images wouldn't work in edit image dialog.
- Fixed so thumbnail and image sizes gets populated even if the server can't read the files.
- Added new flat skin similar to match the latest tinymce version.
- Added throbber to image editing if the image takes a long time to load.
- Added throbber to upload from external locations like Google drive or Dropbox.
- Fixed bug where authenticator couldn't properly update the config.
- Fixed so autoformat shows files generated when uploading.
- Fixed so autoformat removed files from file list when deleting.
- Fixed an issue with cache_header not setting the correct value for Amazon S3 if configured.
- Fixed an issue preventing the use in PHP 7, now fully supports PHP 7.
- Fixed a bug with copying a file to the same folder it was in caused an exception, now just ignores the operation.
- Fixed bug with copy/move on files with thumbnails not working correctly when to and from file had same name.
- Fixed a regression issue with setting rootpath using js options cause favorites/history/uploaded to fail.
- Fixed bug where url resolvement didn't properly handle client side rootpaths.
- Fixed bug where uploads from dropbox would produce an file exists error even if the file didn't exist.
- Added new file info dialog that displays the path and url for the selected file.
- Fixed bug where certain CKEditor plugins stopped working when moxiemanager was added.
- Fixed bug where copyTo command wasn't working properly on Azure.
- Fixed bug insert/close user settings would properly disable the insert button and block close actions.
- Fixed bug where the cache layer wouldn't properly update read/write state attributes.
- Added new filesystem.overwrite_action that enables setting a default action to take when a file exists.
- Fixed bug where url prefixes with custom domains for Azure wasn't working correctly.
- Fixed bug where http was preffered over https when sending requests to dropbox/googledrive.
- Fixed bug where the external authenticator didn't handle the default https port number correctly.
- Fixed bug where the Azure file system plugin didn't work for the new type of Azure containers.
- Fixed so imports is checked for existance before importing from Dropbox/Google drive.
- Improved the error message for internal server errors caused by external code.
- Fixed bug where the path setting wouldn't work properly when integrating with tinymce.
- Re-added onclose callback handler this will now fire for all api methods that open windows.
- Fixed so remember_last_path setting works as it used to pre 2.0.
- Fixed bug where the SessionAuthenticator couldn't handle objects instances as a value for "user" in the session collection.
- Fixed bug where the zoom slider in the edit image dialog didn't properly update when zooming using zoom fit.
- Fixed bug where the overwrite confirm dialog wouln't appear when the file name was renamed by the autorename plugin.
- Fixed bug it wasn't possible to upload files on IE 9 when Flash didn't properly initialize.
- Fixed so standalone image editing does overwrites by default. Save as field can be re-enabled by the show_save_as option.
- Fixed bug where drag/drop of files in older IE:s wouldn't be properly blocked.
- Added confirm dialog to save image the user can now decide what to do when the target file exists.
- Fixed bug where z-index wasn't properly set to a higher value used by TinyMCE.
- Fixed bug where thumbnails/inserts from AmazonS3 could produce an incorrect output url.
- Fixed bug with creation of documents on AmazonS3 wouldn't be displayed as directories.
- Fixed bug where the urlprefix wouln't be defaulted to the AmazonS3 client endpoint url.
- Fixed bug where the CustomInfo event wasn't able to mutate the file json meta data.
- Fixed bug where it url resolve logic wouldn't work properly for files with spaces or non ascii.
- Fixed bug where edit text file wouldn't properly handle error messages.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to override filesystem.directories using sessions in a flat structure.
- Fixed so a better error message gets displayed when a file can't be uploaded due to invalid extension.
- Fixed so all uploaded files gets selected properly if there are many uploaded in a single operation.
- Added inline mode for uploads makes it way faster to upload files.
- Added throbber while lazy loading the MoxieManager from TinyMCE or using the loader.min.js file.
- Added drag/drop upload support for uploading files directly in file view.
- Added a confirm dialog for all uploads/paste operations.
- Added new events callbacks to moxman.browse such as oncreate or onsave.
- Added new tablet support makes it easier to use the MoxieManager on for example an iPad.
- Added UTF-8 support to zip creation logic. It's now possible to download files with non ascii characters.
- Added V4 Amazon S3 authentication method this fixes issues with the frankfurt node.
- Added support for proxy server for all HTTP requests using the new general.http_proxy setting.
- Added support for picking and importing files from Microsoft One Drive.
- Added new SessionAuthenticator.session_name option to change the session context name.
- Added new filesystem.local.file_mask/dir_mask to set *nix bit masks for files.
- Added new filelist_insert_event option to control insert click behavior can be set to click/dblclick or none.
- Added new force_upload_dialog option lets you force the usage of an upload dialog.
- Added new unique_urls option to add unique suffix to all produced urls to bust caching.
- Added new cache_control and acl setting to AmazonS3 to control how the files are uploaded.
- Added new ZendAuthenticator enables you to use Zend 2 sessions for authentication and config overrides.
- Fixed so cache_prefix from TinyMCE and suffixes on the loader script gets added as cache busting.
- Fixed so the client rootpath setting is a lot smarter so it's possible to really define custon client rootpaths.
- Fixed so context menu can be closed using the Esc key.
- Fixed so the leftside panel gets a scrollbar if there isn't enough space.
- Fixed so xdebug stack traces get properly disabled.
- Fixed bug where empty directories wouldn't load properly when the cache layer was enabled.
- Fixed issue with Joomla Authenticator, should work with both frontend and backend now.
- Optimized Amazon S3 client API so it's faster and uses less memory.
- Removed the onopen/onclose callbacks since these where mainly used for custom throbbers.
- Removed the Filesystems title since it wasn't really useful.
- Added new upload_auto_close option. Enables the upload dialog to automatically close when all files uploaded successfully.
- Fixed so the upload button is disabled until files are properly selected to be uploaded.
- Fixed bug where the throbber would lock up if a critical server error occurred while listing files.
- Fixed bug where the debug handler wouldn't properly handle missing GD module support.
- Fixed issue with self configured wwwroot containing trailing slash, throwing an exception depending on config.
- Fixed bug where content type of uploaded files to azure blob storage didn't get the correct mime type.
- Fixed bug where file names with commas wouldn't be properly downloaded as a zip file.
- Added new acl option to Amazon S3 plugin that allows you to set custom acl permissions.
- Fixed so AmazonS3 updates the acl permissions when renaming/moving files.
- Fixed compatibility issue with labels not rendering properly when using bootstrap.
- Added new unique_url option to allow urls to be padded with a unique cache busting id.
- Fixed bug where thumbnails wasn't being reloaded properly when you edited images using the edit image tool.
- Fixed bug where FTP plugin would throw an error when uploading a file in a path recently cleared.
- Reworked csrf logic to not use client side cookies but instead verify the token validity.
- Added csrf security logic to improve security by validating security tokens.
- Fixed issue with file systems being cached locally on the frontend and not updated properly.
- Fixed issue with files not listing if they had mixed case extensions in Amazon/Azure file systems.
- Fixed bug where non statically positioned body would place the context menu at an incorrect position.
- Fixed bug where the menus would be incorrectly positioned on IE 8 if you scrolled the body down.
- Fixed compatibility issue with PHP 5.4 where try statement requires catch.
- Added JSP authentication file "auth.jsp" to the ExternalAuthenticator plugin.
- Fixed so generating thumbnails of images with the wrong file extension works properly.
- Fixed so thumbnails gets properly generated for BMP images even though we doesn't full support it.
- Added onopen event callback this gets fired when a action dialog is opened for example when the moxman.browse call is made.
- Fixed so moxiemanager uses the same language as the one set in tinymce if that language pack doesn't exist it will fallback to English.
- Fixed so gif image editing is forced server side since browsers can't save gif data.
- Fixed so thumbnail exif extraction is silent and so it fallbacks to the normal thumbnail logic on failure.
- Fixed the image resizing logic to it uses hermite resamling on the client side for better results.
- Fixed bug where the insert option wasn't working properly if you clicked on the file name in file list.
- Fixed bug where contextmenu would automatically close on Firefox running on Mac.
- Fixed bug where contextmenu wouldn't be constrained to the current window viewport.
- Fixed so insert is done when clicking on the file name in file lists so it faster to insert single files.
- Fixed bug where the quota plugin didn't handle copy of directories correctly.
- Added event logic to oninsert callback, can now prevent dialog from closing for example.
- Fixed so the add favorite menu item get properly displayed and can be configure into manage/context menus.
- Fixed bug where files with the same name in favorites/history/uploaded woudln't work properly.
- Added new client side options for enabling/disabling all buttons and menu items.
- Added option "rename" to "upload.overwrite", files uploaded will get unique names if file exists.
- Fixed issue with Ftp plugin breaking on symlink files/folders, now ignores symlinks.
- Fixed bug where right clicking on a folder didn't properly select that specific folder.
- Fixed bug where thumbnail folder was not deleted if last thumbnail was deleted in it.
- Fixed so configured uppercase Amazon S3 bucket names produces an error message since they are invalid.
- Added new endpoint option to Amazon S3 plugin to configure region or custom domain for API calls.
- Fixed issue with session_start(), protecting it from already started sessions to avoid errors.
- Fixed a bug where disabled/hidden tools was not picked up correctly from configuration.
- Fixed bug where urls wasn't properly produced for files with % characters in the file names.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to click thumbnails on subdirectories to navigate deeper.
- Fixed bug where quota plugin would increase the current storage size even if an upload failed.
- Added support for skins using the skin option will allow you to load custom skins.
- Fixed bug where unserialization objects in sessions could produce errors.
- Fixed bug where GoogleDrive documents did not get the correct file extension.
- Fixed bug where GoogleDrive file import failed on documents with weird characters.
- Fixed so older Safari 5.1 uses Flash/Silverlight as it's uploader runtime since it isn't W3C compatible.
- Fixed bug where Favorites/History wouldn't list target directories properly.
- Fixed issue where Azure would list dates on directories even though it's not supported.
- Added support for inserting video files using the insertfile button in TinyMCE.
- Fixed so it doesn't do multiple requests on double clicks when listing directories.
- Fixed bug where IE 8 would throw exceptions if you specified extensions using client side options.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to access other file systems when the rootpath was specified on the client.
- Fixed an issue with the AutoFormat plugin running formats on files that where invalid.
- Rewrote quota plugin to handle remote file systems correctly and block all types of file updated.
- Removed the updated file action event since it's basically a delete and add action.
- Fixed bug where the external authenticator would produce an incorrect cookie seed.
- Fixed bug where the basic authentication options for external authenticator didn't work correctly.
- Fixed bug with encoding of files and folders on Windows systems, added unit tests.
- Added filter options for the delete command. This allows you to block delete on specific file or directories.
- Fixed bug where it was possible to import files from urls that didn't match the filter settings.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to switch between file systems when the view option was passed in.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to switch view type if the view option was passed in.
- Fixed bug where the remember_last_path option would cause issues when enabled while having multiple rootpaths.
- Fixed bug where Windows-1252 file system encoding wasn't properly handled when listing files.
- Fixed bug where cookies wasn't properly encoded/decoded in the ExternalAuthenticator plugin.
- Fixed bug where empty directories was treated as they didn't exist by the cache layer file system.
- Fixed bug where url to file resolve logic would fail when having multiple root paths pointing to the same bucket.
- Fixed so Azure/AmazonS3 config options can be overridden by the SessionAuthenticator using sessions.
- Fixed so the urlprefix for AmazonS3 doesn't automatically add any bucket. So it needs to be specified correctly.
- Added new JoomlaAuthenticator plugin. This enables you to authenticate against the Joomla CMS system.
- Added insert_filter callback function that lets you override the JSON structure before it gets inserted into forms.
- Added new cache-control config option for AmazonS3 buckets. This enables you to control the cache-control header for files uploaded.
- Fixed bug where the AutoFormat plugin wouldn't work on non local file systems such as Amazon S3.
- Fixed so protocol relative urlprefixes can be used for converting file paths to urls. For example //
- Added CodeIgniterAuthenticator plugin. Enables you to use authenticate and override config options with sessions.
- Added basic CKEditor support. It replaces the "browse server" buttons in image/file dialogs.
- Fixed bug where extensions in directory names would change the icon from a folder to a file type.
- Fixed so folders without any date returned for them will display a "-" instead for example on S3.
- Fixed so the AmazonS3 urlprefix option can be used to handle custom domains.
- Fixed issue with corrupt exif data, silently fail and generate a proper thumbnail.
- Fixed bug where the client side configured extensions wasn't properly extended/inherited in upload dialog.
- Fixed bug where the list files command could fail if an input URL didn't properly resolve to a file path.
- Fixed performance issues with the cache layer and huge file lists.
- Fixed bug where urls resolved wasn't within a specified client side root path.
- Fixed bug where throbber wasn't working properly due to a CSS skin issue.
- Fixed bug where modal block wasn't working properly due to a CSS skin issue.
- Added new date_format option that enables you to specify the format to be used for dates in JSON output.
- Added new nameWithoutExtension and extension to file JSON output.
- Normalized output for all API functions so that it's pure JSON and contains meta data.
- Removed text for rotate/flip image buttons and replaced them with tooltips to fix i18n issues.
- Fixed bug where the ftp plugin would list current and parent directories on linux targets.
- Fixed bug where the ftp plugin wouldn't properly delete directories recursive on linux targets.
- Fixed bug where the ftp plugin would throw an exception about the cache layer field protection level.
- Fixed bug where the ftp plugin wasn't able to copy or move files between other file systems.
- Fixed bug where the cache layer wouldn't use the targets files when doing a move or copy operation.
- Fixed bug where the upload dialog extensions field wouldn't wrap if there where to many to fit one line.
- Fixed so the upload dialog filter out any extensions that isn't present in the client side extensions setting.
- Added new Azure Blob Storage support. Available for the Enterprise version only.
- Added new filesystem.directories option that allows you to override configs based on path patterns.
- Added support for HTTP Basic Authentication in ExternalAuthenticator and the HttpClient class.
- Fixed bug where column sort order wasn't properly synchronized between grid and sort menu button.
- Fixed bug where IE 8 wouldn't properly load images when rendered in quirks mode.
- Fixed bug where IE 8 couldn't retrive the width/height of images properly when inserted from a non local file system.
- Fixed bug where the auto detection logic for filesystem.local.wwwroot could fail on some setups.
- Fixed bug where local file urls couldn't be properly resolved if the filesystem.rootpath was to a symlink.
- Fixed bug where HTTP requests to some hosts like DropBox didn't work correctly when sockets where used.
- Fixed bug where check for double extensions didn't match due to unescaped regexp.
- Fixed bug where the HttpClient class could throw errors on some keep alive connections.
- Fixed bug where the HttpClient class could throw errors if PUT requests where made without a body.
- Fixed bug where error messages wasn't thrown when deleting/copying/moving directories on S3 or Azure.
- Fixed bug where Uploaded and History plugin didn't work without having the Favorites plugin.
- Fixed so the progress of uploads stays at 99% until fully completed for example when using S3 or Azure.
- Added error message if debug page is accessed but not enabled.
- Added more debug variables to the debug output.
- Added edit.encoding and edit.line_endings options to control input/output when editing text files.
- Fixed bug where the upload dialog wasn't able to pick files on IE 11.
- Fixed bug where the layout of the upload dialog was incorrect on IE 11 due to sub pixel calculations.
- Fixed bug where local overrides for filesystem.writable wouldn't allow files to be created/deleted.
- Fixed bug where delete/cut operation could take place on directories blocked by _ prefixed mc_access options.
- Fixed bug where contextmenu wouldn't be shown due to a missing permission check.
- Fixed so it renders properly on legacy browsers IE 7/IE 8.
- Fixed bug where the sort menu button wouldn't be in sync with the file list sorting.
- Fixed bug where disabled_tools/hidden_tools global settings wouldn't work properly.
- Fixed bug where parent file button wouldn't work if you clicked it after a few pages in infinite scroll mode.
- Fixed bug where the TinyMCE image dialog image dimensions wasn't updated properly on IE 10.
- Fixed bug where _ prefixed filesystem.readable/filesystem.writable would allow operations on directories.
- Rewrote the SymfonyAuthenticator to be compatible with Symfony 2.x+.
- Fixed bug where files would be reported as directories in S3 when uploading larger files.
- Fixed so view dialog displays only the selected images. Makes it easier to compare images.
- Added new path and paths options to moxman.view API method call.
- Added new infinite scroll feature for handling of large ammout of files.
- Optimized thumbnail loading performance by loading thumbs directly when possible.
- Fixed bug where it wouldn't properly delete multiple files in History/Favorites/Uploaded directories.
- Fixed issue where AmazonS3 wouldn't load more than 1000 files/folders, limit increased to 5000.
- Fixed bug where cache layer would throw error if storage directory didn't have write access.
- Fixed bug where logging had to be enabled when using the cache layer.
- Fixed bug where closing a window in fullscreen mode would produce window scrollbars.
- Fixed so thumbnails gets loaded directly from remote file systems like S3 when possible.
- Added new feature and option, thumbnail.mode, if set to "crop" will make thumbs by crop instead of resize.
- Added new cache layer. Enables any filesystem to be cached in memory and in database for performance.
- Fixed bug where S3 would set content-disposition header when uploading files.
- Fixed bug where content-type would be incorrect due to mime type resolve issues.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't resolving urls when having multiple file systems to the same bucket in S3.
- Fixed bug where filter feature would throw js exception and not enable users to select files.
- Fixed bug where throbber wasn't being activated correctly on slow operations.
- Fixed bug with ExternalAuthenticator not being able to override sessions properly.
- Fixed bug where fullscreen mode wouldn't cover the whole viewport.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to select files that didn't match a valid mime type.
- Fixed bug where some boolean options couldn't be properly overridden using mc_access files.
- Fixed bug where images with 1 pixel width/height wouldn't scale down to proper thumbnails.
- Fixed bug where save image didn't work on IE 9 since the Flash XHR fallback wasn't loading properly.
- Fixed so you can override the auth user name from using the ExternalAuthenticator.
- Added new leftpanel set this to false to hide the left side filesystems panel defaults to true.
- Fixed bug where it wouldn't properly parse URLs without protocol like //domain/path.
- Fixed bug in AmazonS3 where the URL provider would add an extra slash behind the bucket name.
- Fixed bug where username in the session authenticator wouldn't update the user instance.
- Fixed bug where all urls would get converted when having mixed file systems.
- Fixed bug where moving/renaming/copying images didn't move/rename/copy the thumbnail file as well.
- Fixed bug with spaces not working on file names in Amazon S3.
- Fixed bug where contextmenu would be positioned at an incorrect postion when scrolling the page.
- Fixed so external authentication state is cached for 5 minutes in a local session.
- Fixed so it's possible to edit any plain text file not just txt, html etc.
- Fixed so the thumbnail_url meta item is properly populated on non local file systems.
- Fixed so that plugin names are trimmed before loaded, in case space is used after comma.
- Fixed bug where detecting of the site wwwroot was case sensitive.
- Added some additional info to the debug option.
- Added new CakeAuthenticator plugin that enables authentication to the Cake PHP framework sessions.
- Added new SympfonyAuthenticator plugin that enabled authentication to the Symfony PHP Framework.
- Added view file support for non image types such as PDF and HTML files.
- Added keep alive heartbeat logic to prevent session timeouts.
- Fixed issue with Quota plugin running on remote filesystem.
- Fixed bug with Apply button in image edit not working properly.
- Fixed bug where autoformat.delete_format_images option wasn't working properly.
- Fixed bug where image altered PNG images wouldn't retain it's alpha transparent mode.
- Added a debug handler for easier debugging of remote systems.
- Added new sort_by and sort_order options to control default sorting.
- Added new moxiemanager_
_settings option to TinyMCE plugin. - Added new onclose callback that gets fired when the MoxieManager is closed.
- Added new more advanced filesystem.local.wwwroot setting for complex setups with multiple servers.
- Fixed bug where sorting of dates could produce strange results.
- Fixed bug where mc_access files couldn't include equal characters in it's values.
- Fixed bug where MoxieManager wouldn't provide an error for urls on files outside the wwwroot.
- Fixed issue with file extension not being automatically set on files on save in image editor.
- Fixed issue with case sensitive upload on the client side.
- Removed session_start from ExternalAuthenticator, could destroy other php sessions and wasn't needed.
- Fixed bug with AutoFormat not limiting to images only, causing errors.
- Fixed so that context menu is not shown if "manage" is disabled tool/hidden.
- Fixed so that S3 config has default urlprefix set, previously defaulted to empty string.
- Fixed so S3 resolves url paths to files and selects them correctly.
- Fixed bug with filesystems not being selected properly depending on input url.
- Fixed CSS issue with thumbnail images not being centered and scaled correctly.
- Fixed bug with file listing on IIS6 due to high security filtering.
- Fixed css reset rules, added font-weight: normal and text-align: left.
- Fixed logic for detecting wwwroot and url prefix, should work better with alias, virtual path, symlinks etc.
- Fixed so json storage silently fails if no write access instead of producing errors.
- Fixed bug where you could click on thumbnails even if insert : false was configured.
- Fixed bug with cut possible when filesystem.writable was set to false locally.
- Fixed bug with thumbnails not being overwritten when overwriting a file on upload.
- Fixed issue with filters not being run on delete command.
- Fixed issue with getting notice errors on faulty install procedure, now properly redirects to installer.
- Removed default config for filesystem.local.urlprefix as part of the wwwroot detecting.
- Added JS option title, moxiemanager_title, to change the default "MoxieManager".
- Fixed bug with JSON encode in PHP 5.2 while running in debug mode.
- Fixed bug where mc_access files wouldn't properly support local overrides.
- Fixed bug where mc_access files would be displayed in file listing.
- Fixed bug where it would deselect all files when you used the context menu on a multi selection.
- Fixed bug where closing a fullscreen window wouldn't restore scrolling on page.
- Fixed bug where AutoRename plugin was not fixing file names on rename, should also work on move/copy now.
- Fixed bug where AutoRename converted single and double quotes to entities, now it removes them before converting.
- Fixed bug with image editing, files are now streamed instead of redirected to, fixed crossdomain issues.
- Change behavior of AutoRename config options, can now completely overwrite what pattern to replace with.
- Reintroduced authenticator.login_page, if configured, user is sent to page when auth fails.
- Fixed bug in external authenticator if using non-standard port number.
- Fixed an issue with AutoRename plugin not renaming case files properly.
- Fixed an issue with the Quota plugin when getting an event without filesize info.
- Fixed an issue with the Quota plugin not working properly if checking against a non-existant folder.
- AutoRename plugin will now also convert names of folders automatically.
- AutoRename plugin will now also convert filenames and folders in zip files automatically.
- Added tooltip to make it easier to read long file names.
- Added new width/height/fullscreen options to control window size.
- Added underline to Error label in Upload dialog.
- Fixed upload issues with open_basedir config option.
- Fixed so that the "Error" label in the upload dialog is underline.
- Fixed issue with Drupal authenticator, removed user paths due to incompatibility with other file systems.
- Fixed bug where PUT requests in AmazonS3 didn't work when using cURL.
- Added new multiple option only single files might be selected if it's set to false.
- Fixed bug where clicking on a thumbnail would insert multiple files.
- Fixed bug where multiple files could be selected when invoked for a specific field.
- Fixed issue with throbber not showing when inserting files.
- Fixed so it's possible to rename files to another case.
- Fixed so image sizes are read from local files when possible.
- Fixed an issue with event ordering in upload.
- Updated autorename plugin to work better with new beforeupload event.
- Added new AutoRename plugin with some new config options.
- Added new Quota plugin and config options to restrict the size.
- Fixed bug where upload errors would throw an JS error as well in the logs.
- Fixed bug where an absolute filesystem.rootpath with trailing slash would cause thumbnail errors.
- Fixed bug where History/Favorites/Uploaded plugins wouldn't properly sync with filesystem delete.
- Fixed bug where Paste of files into the same directory as the source dir would cause exception.
- Fixed so copy uses underscore instead of parentheses when file exists already, more web friendly.
- Added new context menu to file list view/thumbnail view.
- Fixed bug with selection synchronization between list and thumbnail view.
- Fixed so remove_script_host can be used as a fallback to the no_host option.
- FTP option "path" renamed to "rootpath" to avoid confusion.
- Fixed bug with z-index of dialogs when integrated with TinyMCE.
- Fixed bug where sorting of files/directories wasn't correct in file list.
- Fixed bug where tab key wasn't properly focusing the next/previous control.
- Added DrupalAuthenticator back as an available plugin.
- Fixed so thumbnails are easier to select by clicking on the whole info area.
- Fixed so thumbnail filenames are visible all the time not just on hover.
- Fixed an issue with url encoding to image editor, causing error.
- Fixed an issue with clients not having write access to folder for thumbnail creation, now silently fails.
- Fixed language translations, check for info.
- Fixed bug where document_base_url wasn't properly applied to TinyMCE integration plugin.
- Fixed IE 8 rendering issues with psuedo elements not rendering icon fonts properly.
- Fixed issues with Authentication Exceptions, should now show proper error messages.
- Fixed bug where flash fallback for upload wasn't working on IE.
- Fixed bug where IE 7-9 would produce a JS error when saving images.
- Added new Coldfusion integration for the ExternalAuthenticator.
- Added new PHP integration for the ExternalAuthenticator.
- Added new "ExternalAuthenticator.external_auth_url" option for ExternalAuthenticator.
- Added new "ExternalAuthenticator.secret_key" option for ExternalAuthenticator.
- Rewrote ExternalAuthenticator for ASP to match new JSON format.
- Added check for exif_thumbnail function in thumbnail creation, could be configured off.
- Fixed bug where the throbber wasn't showing when file listing was slow.
- Fixed bug with . prefixed file names producing errors when listing.
- Fixed bug where a trailing slash on client side root paths would produce an error.
- Fixed bug where thumbnails would add it's self as uploaded files in the uploaded plugin.
- Fixed issue where thumbnails would be generated inside thumbnail folders.
- Fixed bug where empty temp path config option would cause issues with upload.
- First public version of MoxieManager.
.NET Changelog
- Fixed bug where an error would be thrown if the dialog was closed while the file list was loading. #MM-118
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to download folders like in the PHP version. #MM-117
- Fixed bug where the hidden_tools option wouldn't apply if you switched file system. #MM-113
- Fixed bug where downloads of many files would result in a to long query string. #MM-111
- Fixed bug z indexes wasn't computed right if used with a tinymce instance and standalone at the same time.
- Fixed bug where the throbber would throw an error if you switched view to fast while files where loading.
- Fixed basic api for adding custom menu items.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to upload images on ios.
- Fixed bug where where the import file support wasn't working correctly.
- Fixed issue with checkbox column having text ellipsis on Chrome.
- Fixed bug where utf-8 characters wasn't handled correctly for Amazon S3 file systems.
- Added new open menu item that allows you to open a file in a new browser tab.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to tap the upload button to upload files on an iPad.
- Fixed bug where files would be sorted incorrectly if they started with "!".
- Fixed bug where files with "!" wouldn't be handled correctly on AmazonS3.
- Fixed so delete menu item is disabled when the selected files can't be deleted.
- Fixed xss issue with error message presented when a path can't be resolved.
- Fixed bug where thumbnail directories would be created even if thumbnails where disabled.
- Fixed security issues with download/zip and unzip these are now way more strict.
- Fixed bug where view multiple files wouldn't properly render the file names.
- Fixed bug where some menus in Firefox had scrollbars rendered due to font kerning.
- Fixed bug where it was possible to do operations on the ".." directory thumbnail item.
- Fixed bug where urls resolving to a directory would select the directory.
- Fixed bug with self signed ssl certificates not working for s3/azure.
- Fixed bug where listing files on some ftp servers with odd user names didn't work properly.
- Fixed so date_format can be passed in as a client side config option.
- Fixed so unique thumbnail urls take into account if there is an existing query string parameter.
- Fixed tinymce 3.x compatibility issues with z-ordering of dialogs.
- Fixed so the container isn't appended to the urlprefix. Might break existing installations.
- Fixed bug where some error messages wasn't handled properly due to localization.
- Fixed bug where an error was thrown when saving images.
- Fixed bug where the throbber wouldn't be disabled in the image save dialog if you canceled the action.
- Added cache control to azure file system. Allows you to override the default HTTP cache-control header.
- Added better error messages when the quota exceeds. Enables you to translate them.
- Fixed bug with the Quota plugin where it wasn't possible to disable checking by setting size to 0.
- Fixed bug where flipping of alpha transparent PNG images would produce an incorrect image.
- Fixed bug where some errors wasn't handled correctly on the client side.
- Fixed bug where files generated by autoformat would be visible even if they where filtered out on the server.
- Fixed bug where the upload button disabled state wasn't working properly.
- Fixed bug where some thumbnails wasn't rendered properly if they contained characters that needed encoding.
- Fixed bug where the file name length input boxes wasn't constrained in length.
- Fixed bug where the caret would jump when updating text fields on firefox.
- Fixed so the upload button becomes a button when only one upload method is available.
- Fixed so edit/rename menu items becomes disabled when more than one file is selected.
- Fixed so edit image asks the user to overwrite the file or not.
- Fixed so dialog gets repositioned inside the editor if the window changes in size.
- Fixed a bug with the FTP plugin that prevented thumbnails from being created.
- Fixed some issues with FTP plugin performance, should now respond faster against slow FTP servers.
- Fixed bug where saving images wouldn't work in edit image dialog.
- Fixed so thumbnail and image sizes gets populated even if the server can't read the files.
- Added new flat skin similar to match the latest tinymce version.
- Added throbber to image editing if the image takes a long time to load.
- Added throbber to upload from external locations like Google drive or Dropbox.
- Fixed so autoformat shows files generated when uploading.
- Fixed so autoformat removed files from file list when deleting.
- Fixed bug with copy/move on files with thumbnails not working correctly when to and from file had same name.
- Fixed a regression issue with setting rootpath using js options cause favorites/history/uploaded to fail.
- Fixed bug where delete of favorites/history/uploaded would display a write access error.
- Fixed bug where local files where being locked by the download handler.
- Fixed bug where url resolvement didn't properly handle client side rootpaths.
- Added new file info dialog that displays the path and url for the selected file.
- Fixed bug insert/close user settings would properly disable the insert button and block close actions.
- Fixed bug where certain CKEditor plugins stopped working when moxiemanager was added.
- Added new filesystem.overwrite_action that enables setting a default action to take when a file exists.
- Fixed bug where url prefixes with custom domains for Azure wasn't working correctly.
- Fixed bug where the Azure file system plugin didn't work for the new type of Azure containers.
- Fixed so imports is checked for existance before importing from Dropbox/Google drive.
- Improved the error message for internal server errors caused by external code.
- Fixed bug where the path setting wouldn't work properly when integrating with tinymce.
- Re-added onclose callback handler this will now fire for all api methods that open windows.
- Fixed so remember_last_path setting works as it used to pre 2.0.
- Fixed bug where the zoom slider in the edit image dialog didn't properly update when zooming using zoom fit.
- Fixed so standalone image editing does overwrites by default. Save as field can be re-enabled by the show_save_as option.
- Fixed bug where the overwrite confirm dialog wouln't appear when the file name was renamed by the autorename plugin.
- Fixed bug it wasn't possible to upload files on IE 9 when Flash didn't properly initialize.
- Fixed bug where drag/drop of files in older IE:s wouldn't be properly blocked.
- Added confirm dialog to save image the user can now decide what to do when the target file exists.
- Fixed bug where z-index wasn't properly set to a higher value used by TinyMCE.
- Fixed bug where the Favorites/History/Uploaded plugins would sometinmes throw an exception on duplicate keys.
- Fixed bug where thumbnails/inserts from AmazonS3 could produce an incorrect output url.
- Fixed bug where the urlprefix wouln't be defaulted to the AmazonS3 client endpoint url.
- Fixed bug where the CustomInfo event wasn't able to mutate the file json meta data.
- Fixed bug where files/directories with non ascii characters wasn't properly handled on S3.
- Fixed bug where edit text file wouldn't properly handle error messages.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to override filesystem.directories using sessions in a flat structure.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to open a directory just created.
- Fixed bug where favorites/history/deleted didn't show the correct menu items.
- Fixed so a better error message gets displayed when a file can't be uploaded due to invalid extension.
- Fixed so all uploaded files gets selected properly if there are many uploaded in a single operation.
- Added inline mode for uploads makes it way faster to upload files.
- Added throbber while lazy loading the MoxieManager from TinyMCE or using the loader.min.js file.
- Added drag/drop upload support for uploading files directly in file view.
- Added a confirm dialog for all uploads/paste operations.
- Added new events callbacks to moxman.browse such as oncreate or onsave.
- Added new tablet support makes it easier to use the MoxieManager on for example an iPad.
- Added V4 Amazon S3 authentication method this fixes issues with the frankfurt node.
- Added support for proxy server for all HTTP requests using the new general.http_proxy setting.
- Added support for picking and importing files from Microsoft One Drive.
- Added new filelist_insert_event option to control insert click behavior can be set to click/dblclick or none.
- Added new force_upload_dialog option lets you force the usage of an upload dialog.
- Added new unique_urls option to add unique suffix to all produced urls to bust caching.
- Added new cache_control and acl setting to AmazonS3 to control how the files are uploaded.
- Fixed so cache_prefix from TinyMCE and suffixes on the loader script gets added as cache busting.
- Fixed so the client rootpath setting is a lot smarter so it's possible to really define custon client rootpaths.
- Fixed so context menu can be closed using the Esc key.
- Fixed so the leftside panel gets a scrollbar if there isn't enough space.
- Fixed bug where empty directories wouldn't load properly when the cache layer was enabled.
- Optimized Amazon S3 client API so it's faster and uses less memory.
- Removed the onopen/onclose callbacks since these where mainly used for custom throbbers.
- Removed the Filesystems title since it wasn't really useful.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to set custom sub paths on the Azure file systems.
- Added new upload_auto_close option. Enables the upload dialog to automatically close when all files uploaded successfully.
- Fixed bug where only one directory element would work for the filesystem.directories option.
- Fixed bug where the throbber would lock up if a critical server error occured while listing files.
- Fixed so the upload button is disabled until files are properly selected to be uploaded.
- Fixed bug where content type of uploaded files to azure blob storage didn't get the correct mime type.
- Fixed bug where file names with commas wouldn't be properly downloaded as a zip file.
- Added new acl option to Amazon S3 plugin that allows you to set custom acl permissions.
- Fixed so AmazonS3 updates the acl permissions when renaming/moving files.
- Fixed compatibility issue with labels not rendering properly when using bootstrap.
- Fixed bug where special characters like "#" in file names would cause the URL output to break.
- Added new unique_url option to allow urls to be padded with a unique cache busting id.
- Fixed bug where thumbnails wasn't being reloaded properly when you edited images using the edit image tool.
- Fixed bug where paths where encoded wrong when inserted to MoxieManager causing no file being selected.
- Fixed bug where paths that didn't existed produced an error, now it falls back to the parent folder.
- Reworked csrf logic to not use client side cookies but instead verify the token validity.
- Added csrf security logic to improve security by validating security tokens.
- Fixed issue with file systems being cached locally on the frontend and not updated properly.
- Fixed bug where non statically positioned body would place the context menu at an incorrect position.
- Fixed bug where the menus would be incorrectly positioned on IE 8 if you scrolled the body down.
- Added onopen event callback this gets fired when a action dialog is opened for example when the moxman.browse call is made.
- Fixed so moxiemanager uses the same language as the one set in tinymce if that language pack doesn't exist it will fallback to English.
- Fixed so gif image editing is forced server side since browsers can't save gif data.
- Fixed the image resizing logic to it uses hermite resamling on the client side for better results.
- Fixed issue with filters not applying properly on uploaded files.
- Fixed bug where FTP plugin wasn't working properly for FTP servers listing files in Windows format.
- Fixed bug where the insert option wasn't working properly if you clicked on the file name in file list.
- Fixed bug where contextmenu would automatically close on Firefox running on Mac.
- Fixed bug where contextmenu wouldn't be constrained to the current window viewport.
- Fixed bug where the UTF8 BOM would be streamed out in plugin JS contents breaking on IIS servers with gzip enabled.
- Fixed so insert is done when clicking on the file name in file lists so it faster to insert single files.
- Fixed so multiple wwwroot/urlprefix/urlsuffixes can be configured for the local file system.
- Added event logic to oninsert callback, can now prevent dialog from closing for example.
- Fixed so the add favorite menu item get properly displayed and can be configure into manage/context menus.
- Fixed bug where files with the same name in favorites/history/uploaded woudln't work properly.
- Added new client side options for enabling/disabling all buttons and menu items.
- Added option "rename" to "upload.overwrite", files uploaded will get unique names if file exists.
- Fixed issue with Ftp plugin breaking on symlink files/folders, now ignores symlinks.
- Fixed bug where right clicking on a folder didn't properly select that specific folder.
- Fixed bug where thumbnail folder was not deleted if last thumbnail was deleted in it.
- Fixed so configured uppercase Amazon S3 bucket names produces an error message since they are invalid.
- Added new endpoint option to Amazon S3 plugin to configure region or custom domain for API calls.
- Fixed a bug where disabled/hidden tools was not picked up correctly from configuration.
- Fixed bug where urls wasn't properly produced for files with % characters in the file names.
- Fixed bug where quota plugin would increase the current storage size even if an upload failed.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to click thumbnails on subdirectories to navigate deeper.
- Added support for skins using the skin option will allow you to load custom skins.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to scope the path for AmazonS3 using s3://bucket/path.
- Fixed bug where GoogleDrive file import didn't save with correct extension.
- Fixed bug where GoogleDrive file import failed on documents with weird characters.
- Fixed so older Safari 5.1 uses Flash/Silverlight as it's uploader runtime since it isn't W3C compatible.
- Fixed bug where the ExternalAuthenticator would throw an error exception if the user key wasn't present.
- Fixed bug where Azure/Amazon S3 would display an incorrect date/time for directories instead of a dash.
- Fixed bug where Favorites/History wouldn't list target directories properly.
- Added support for inserting video files using the insertfile button in TinyMCE.
- Fixed so it doesn't do multiple requests on double clicks when listing directories.
- Fixed bug where IE 8 would throw exceptions if you specified extensions using client side options.
- Fixed bug where Azure/AmazonS3 wouldn't properly handle files/directories with spaces in them.
- Fixed bug in Azure plugin where file names with non ascii file names wasn't properly encoded.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to access other file systems when the rootpath was specified on the client.
- Rewrote quota plugin to handle remote file systems correctly and block all types of file updated.
- Removed the updated file action event since it's basically a delete and add action.
- Added filter options for the delete command. This allows you to block delete on specific file or directories.
- Fixed bug where the thumbnails.enabled would still create thumbnail directory when moving/copying files.
- Fixed bug where a copy of a file to an directory with an existing file with the same name would add a double dot.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to switch between file systems when the view option was passed in.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to switch view type if the view option was passed in.
- Fixed bug where the remember_last_path option would cause issues when enabled while having multiple rootpaths.
- Fixed bug where extension was not properly identified, could cause issues with thumbnails etc.
- Fixed so options can be excluded from the web.config some users tends to reduce the web.config manually.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to override the filesystem.rootpath using the SessionAuthenticator.
- Fixed bug where url to file resolve logic would fail when having multiple root paths pointing to the same bucket.
- Fixed so Azure/AmazonS3 config options can be overridden by the SessionAuthenticator using sessions.
- Fixed so the urlprefix for AmazonS3 doesn't automatically add any bucket. So it needs to be specified correctly.
- Added insert_filter callback function that lets you override the JSON structure before it gets inserted into forms.
- Added new cache-control config option for AmazonS3 buckets. This enables you to control the cache-control header for files uploaded.
- Fixed so protocol relative urlprefixes can be used for converting file paths to urls. For example //
- Added basic CKEditor support. It replaces the "browse server" buttons in image/file dialogs.
- Fixed bug where the client side configured extensions wasn't properly extended/inherited in upload dialog.
- Fixed bug where extensions in directory names would change the icon from a folder to a file type.
- Fixed so folders without any date returned for them will display a "-" instead for example on S3.
- Fixed so the AmazonS3 urlprefix option can be used to handle custom domains.
- Fixed bug where the last modification date for local file system wasn't converted to UTC.
- Fixed bug where the last modification date for AmazonS3 wasn't properly parsed and converted to UTC.
- Changed ICommand/ICommandHandler Execute method to use CommandArguments instead of a plain Dictionary.
- Removed BaseHttpHandler and replaced it with IApiHandler that better supports unit testing.
- Fixed bug where throbber wasn't working properly due to a CSS skin issue.
- Fixed bug where modal block wasn't working properly due to a CSS skin issue.
- Added new date_format option that enables you to specify the format to be used for dates in JSON output.
- Added new nameWithoutExtension and extension to file JSON output.
- Normalized output for all API functions so that it's pure JSON and contains meta data.
- Removed text for rotate/flip image buttons and replaced them with tooltips to fix i18n issues.
- Fixed bug where some filter field expressions would cause an server exception to occur.
- Fixed bug where the upload dialog extensions field wouldn't wrap if there where to many to fit one line.
- Fixed so it's possible to move files on FTP file systems and between other file systems.
- Fixed so the upload dialog filter out any extensions that isn't present in the client side extensions setting.
- Added new Azure Blob Storage support. Available for the Enterprise version only.
- Added new filesystem.directories option that allows you to override configs based on path patterns.
- Fixed bug where IE 8 wouldn't properly load images when rendered in quirks mode.
- Fixed bug where IE 8 couldn't retrive the width/height of images properly when inserted from a non local file system.
- Fixed bug where empty authenticator string caused issues and prevented this configuration mode.
- Fixed bug where error messages wasn't thrown when deleting/copying/moving directories on S3 or Azure.
- Fixed bug where urls wasn't properly resolved to files for Amazon S3.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to copy files between local file system and Amazon S3 file system.
- Fixed bug where the uploaded file plugin wouldn't add files when autoformat plugin was enabled.
- Fixed so the progress of uploads stays at 99% until fully completed for example when using S3 or Azure.
- Fixed bug where S3 couldn't be properly restricted to specified root path.
- Fixed bug where column sort order wasn't properly synchronized between grid and sort menu button.
- Fixed bug where the logout button would be displayed even if the authenticator(s) wasn't standalone.
- Added edit.encoding and edit.line_endings options to control input/output when editing text files.
- Fixed bug where URLs generated for HTTPs would include the port number 443 even though this is redundant.
- Fixed bug where the upload dialog wasn't able to pick files on IE 11.
- Fixed bug where the layout of the upload dialog was incorrect on IE 11 due to sub pixel calculations.
- Fixed bug where local overrides for filesystem.writable wouldn't allow files to be created/deleted.
- Fixed bug where sorting by date would thrown an server exception.
- Fixed bug where delete/cut operation could take place on directories blocked by _ prefixed mc_access options.
- Fixed bug where contextmenu wouldn't be shown due to a missing permission check.
- Fixed so it renders properly on legacy browsers IE 7/IE 8.
- Fixed bug where the sort menu button wouldn't be in sync with the file list sorting.
- Fixed bug where disabled_tools/hidden_tools global settings wouldn't work properly.
- Fixed bug where the TinyMCE image dialog image dimensions wasn't updated properly on IE 10.
- Fixed so view dialog displays only the selected images. Makes it easier to compare images.
- Fixed bug where _ prefixed filesystem.readable/filesystem.writable would allow operations on directories.
- Added new path and paths options to moxman.view API method call.
- Added new infinite scroll feature for handling of large ammout of files.
- Optimized thumbnail loading performance by loading thumbs directly when possible.
- Fixed so thumbnails gets loaded directly from remote file systems like S3 when possible.
- Fixed bug where closing a window in fullscreen mode would produce window scrollbars.
- Fixed issue where AmazonS3 wouldn't list more than 1000 file/folders, limit set to 5000.
- Added new feature and option, thumbnail.mode, if set to "crop" will make thumbnails using crop instead of default resize.
- Fixed bug where filter feature would throw js exception and not enable users to select files.
- Fixed bug where the throbber for long operations wasn't activated correctly.
- Fixed bug with S3 Plugin where files got Content-Disposition set when not needed.
- Added advanced debugging option, set general.debug to true and access /api.ashx?action=debug
- Fixed bug where it would throw an Environment exception on Medium trust when accessing the temp directory.
- Fixed bug where UNC paths wasn't handled handled properly.
- Fixed bug where fullscreen mode wouldn't cover the whole viewport.
- Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to select files that didn't match a valid mime type.C:\inetpub\wwwroot\moxiemanager-net\src\MoxieManager.Web.UI\changelog.txt
- Fixed bug where images with 1 pixel width/height wouldn't scale down to proper thumbnails.
- Fixed bug where save image didn't work on IE 9 since the Flash XHR fallback wasn't loading properly.
- Fixed so you can override the auth user name from using the ExternalAuthenticator.
- Fixed bug where it wouldn't properly parse URLs without protocol like //domain/path.
- Fixed bug where username in the session authenticator wouldn't update the user instance.
- Fixed bug where all urls would get converted when having mixed file systems.
- Fixed bug where urls wasn't properly produced when inserting files from AmazonS3.
- Fixed bug where moving/renaming/copying images didn't move/rename/copy the thumbnail file as well.
- Fixed bug with spaces not working on file names in Amazon S3.
- Fixed bug where contextmenu would be positioned at an incorrect postion when scrolling the page.
- Fixed so it's possible to edit any plain text file not just txt, html etc.
- Fixed so the thumbnail_url meta item is properly populated on non local file systems.
- Fixed bug where detecting site wwwroot was case sensitive.
- Fixed bug where editing of images with uppercase extensions didn't work.
- Added view file support for non image types such as PDF and HTML files.
- Added keep alive heartbeat logic to prevent session timeouts.
- Added new proxy option to Amazon S3 buckets (host:port), mostly for internal debugging.
- Fixed bug with Apply button in image edit not working properly.
- Fixed issue with Quota plugin running on remote filesystems.
- Fixed issue with Amazon S3 integration causing connection errors.
- Added new sort_by and sort_order options to control default sorting.
- Added new moxiemanager_
_settings option to TinyMCE plugin. - Fixed bug where SessionAuthenticator would produce exception on casting session key to bool.
- Fixed bug where AutoFormat %f included the extension.
- Fixed bug where ExternalAuthenticator would return false even if authorized.
- Fixed bug where the config wasn't extended properly.
- Fixed bug where config variables wasn't properly replaced.
- Fixed bug where language pack wouldn't load when used with TinyMCE.
- Fixed bug where sorting of dates could produce strange results.
- Fixed bug where mc_access files couldn't include equal characters in it's values.
- Fixed bug where MoxieManager wouldn't provide an error for urls on files outside the wwwroot.
- Fixed issue with file extension not being automatically set on files on save in image editor.
- First public version of MoxieManager.NET.